I have amazing news. My family will be part of a three episode reality TV pilot! A friend of ours pitched the idea to a Vancouver based production company, and the working title is: "Gawking at the Graham's."
One of the most innovative aspects of the show will be that everyone in our young family will wear helmets, with front-mounted GoPro cameras, to get a first-hand view of the action. Naps, food-fights, and Marathon enactments of Thomas the Tank Engine will be recorded in full HD.
Danny Tanner... eat your heart out.
Best of all? You can watch me doing the bird-feeder while blurting nonsensical phrases during important meetings due to extreme sleep deprivation.
"All work and no play make Jeff a... Yodalayheehoo... was I drooling?"
My wife, Melissa, and I are celebrating our sixth anniversary on May 16, and over that time we have moved eight times and have had three kids.
Did I mention we are moving again and now expecting a fourth? Did I also mention we bought a puppy? And that our oldest just turned five? What were we thinking!
This reality show is going to have more twists than Lost!
In fact, "Lost with Four Babies and a Dog" was the original title of the show, but we decided that Gawking at the Graham's really summed up our lives.
The titles of the first three episodes are:
- "Rust-bucket Mini-Van"
- "There are no Light-Sabers at the Dinner Table"
- "Boy, you really are Gluttons for Punishment"
In the coming weeks, I'll post status updates about our exciting new project. In the meantime, enjoy April 1.