In 2002 I was a very green PR intern for the Vancouver Canucks of the National Hockey League. One of my jobs with the team was to give VIP tours to celebrities and other dignitaries. Typically, the tours were for friends and family of the players, and my main role was to get them as quickly as possible from the VIP boxes to the dressing room through a labyrinth of stairs, doors and hallways. So, despite the somewhat fancy title, VIP tours were typically non-descript. Except Once During a game in 2002 when the Canucks were playing the Carolina Hurricanes, I was asked to assist a guest. When I arrived at the box, I was greeted by four very serious...
The NBA and NHL playoffs are in full-swing, meaning significant social media activity, media coverage and online traffic for both leagues. The NHL and NBA do a great job of promoting their sports, and both are advancing into the wonderful world of online streaming, mobile phones, iBeacons, and more specialized fan experiences. But... there's a problem. Actually, it's more like an opportunity: I think both leagues are missing the boat online, and that they should stream all of their games, for free. Why you ask? Because it would be a lights out fan experience, and would position them well for the future. In the meantime, fans have to put up with the dreaded Paywall. Can We Ditch the Paywall Please?...
With the New England Patriots at the White House yesterday, it prompted me to think about the best Super Bowl ads I've seen over the years. Here's my top four, and why I think each are awesome: 4) Reebok - Terry Tate Office Linebacker Why it's great: Countless inside jokes for anyone who's worked in an office. Drinking all the coffee and not brewing more. Making long-distance personal calls at work. Improperly filing reports. In a normal office environment, these things often go unpunished... Not when Terry Tate is on staff. 3) Volkswagen - The Force Why it's great: The contrast of the fragility of boyhood and the Darth Vader Costume. The stirring iconic music of the Imperial March. The timeless question...
About four years ago I read "The 4-Hour Work-Week" by Tim Ferriss, and was enthralled. The book promises to show you how to obtain financial freedom, visit exotic places, and have loads of fun while doing it... sort of like channeling your inner Richard Branson. Sign me up! A friend of mine who recommended the book said "I don't recommend doing everything he says, but some of it is really good." I soon learned that this was sage advice. Join the New Rich? For those unfamiliar, the tagline of the book is "escape the 9-5, live anywhere, and join the new rich." In other words, the book promises the ultimate in autonomy. No more daily grind, do whatever you want,...
I have amazing news. My family will be part of a three episode reality TV pilot! A friend of ours pitched the idea to a Vancouver based production company, and the working title is: "Gawking at the Graham's." One of the most innovative aspects of the show will be that everyone in our young family will wear helmets, with front-mounted GoPro cameras, to get a first-hand view of the action. Naps, food-fights, and Marathon enactments of Thomas the Tank Engine will be recorded in full HD. Danny Tanner... eat your heart out. Best of all? You can watch me doing the bird-feeder while blurting nonsensical phrases during important meetings due to extreme sleep deprivation. "All work and no play make...